Ruban, Kratkaia letopis Malyia Rossii, 1777 (Д2)

This page shows the distances between one postal town and another, broken into sections and totaled at the bottom of each table: from Galukhov to Pereiaslavl is a total of 255 versts. The rules are used here as vertical lines to help keep the columns of information discrete.

This page shows the distances between one postal town and another, broken into sections and totaled at the bottom of each table: from Galukhov to Pereiaslavl is a total of 255 versts. The rules are used here as vertical lines to help keep the columns of information discrete.

open image or download from source: Houghton

Vasilii Ruban, Kratkaia letopis Malyia Rossii 1506 po 1776 god. St Petersburg: Kh. F. Khlen, 1777. (sig. Д2).

Houghton Library, *RC7.R8212.777k (public domain)

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  • thanks to to Christine Jacobson for help with the translation