Prouisiones cedulas, 1563 (m2r)

Two different styles of the initial letter D can be seen here, the first quite plain and the second floriated.

Two different styles of the initial letter D can be seen here, the first quite plain and the second floriated.

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Prouisio[n]es cedulas instruciones desu Magestad: : ordena[n]ças d[e] difu[n]tos y audie[n]cia, p[ar]a la buena expedicio[n] delos negocios, y administracio[n] d[e] justicia: y gouernacio[n] d[e]sta Nueua España. Mexico City: Pedro Ocharte, 1563. (sig. m2r)

Houghton Library, LMC5.N4205.563p (public domain)