Alciati, Emblemata, 1589 (Z6v)

The tailpiece here, as it often does, serves both to mark the end of a section of text (the end of an emblem, in this case) and to provide some support for the platen when the sheet is pressed.

The tailpiece here, as it often does, serves both to mark the end of a section of text (the end of an emblem, in this case) and to provide some support for the platen when the sheet is pressed.

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Andrea Alciati, Omnia Andreae Alciati V.C. Emblemata, Cum commentariis, quibus Emblematum aperta origine mens auctoris explicatur, & obscura omnia, dubiaque illustrantur. Paris: Stephen Valletus, 1589. (sig. Z6v)

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Bibliothek, Rar 8216 (public domain)

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