Alciati, Emblemata, 1589 (Z5v)

This dense block of text is only the first page of commentary accompanying Alciati’s emblem of “In astrologos,” a sharp contrast to the spareness of the first edition.

This dense block of text is only the first page of commentary accompanying Alciati's emblem of "In astrologos," a sharp contrast to the spareness of the first edition.

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Andrea Alciati, Omnia Andreae Alciati V.C. Emblemata, Cum commentariis, quibus Emblematum aperta origine mens auctoris explicatur, & obscura omnia, dubiaque illustrantur. Paris: Stephen Valletus, 1589. (sig. Z5v)

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Bibliothek, Rar 8216 (public domain)

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