Alciati, Emblemata, 1542 (A1r)

Chrestian Wechsel’s printer’s device is here fittingly shown on the title page of his edition of Alciati’s Emblemata, which he printed in close conversation with the author. The device is adapted from the emblem “Virtuti Fortuna comes” or “Good fortune attendant on virtue.”

Chrestian Wechsel's printer's device is here fittingly shown on the title page of his edition of Alciati's Emblemata, which he printed in close conversation with the author. The device is adapted from the emblem "Virtuti Fortuna comes" or "Good fortune attendant on virtue."

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Andrea Alciati, Clarissimi Viri D. Andreae Alciati Emblematum libellus, vigilanter recognitus, & ab ipso iam authore locupletatus. Paris: Chrestian Wechsel, 1542. (sig. A1r)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Emblems 853 AL17Oe1542 (public domain)

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