Alciati, Emblemata, 1542 (B3v)

The border on this emblem woodblock is broken along the top edge, perhaps because the woodcut was damaged. This emblem served as the basis for the printer’s device used in this book and passed down through the Wechel family.

The border on this emblem woodblock is broken along the top edge, perhaps because the woodcut was damaged. This emblem served as the basis for the printer's device used in this book and passed down through the Wechel family.

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Andrea Alciati, Clarissimi Viri D. Andreae Alciati Emblematum libellus, vigilanter recognitus, & ab ipso iam authore locupletatus. Paris: Chrestian Wechsel, 1542. (sig. B3v)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Emblems 853 AL17Oe1542 (public domain)

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