Philipott, Aesop, 1666 (sig. 2Q2r)

This bilingual edition privileges the Latin text with the majority of page space, but presents the English version in rhyming verse. Along with the intricate engraving, the different modes may have made this book appealing to people of varying levels of schooling.

This bilingual edition privileges the Latin text with the majority of page space, but presents the English version in rhyming verse. Along with the intricate engraving, the different modes may have made this book appealing to people of varying levels of schooling.

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Aesop, Thomas Philipott (trans), Robert Codrington (trans), Aesop’s fables with his life in English, French & Latin. London: Francis Barlow for William Godbid, 1666. (sig. 2Q2r)

Folger Shakespeare Library, A696 (folio) (CC BY-SA)

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